
Gertrude Bell

Gertrude Bell (l. 1868-1926), I. Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra Yakın Doğu ülkelerinin sınırlarını oluşturmaktan ve özellikle modern Irak devletinin kuruluşundan sorumlu bir arkeolog, seyahat yazarı, kaşif ve siyasi yöneticiydi. . Bölücü olmasına rağmen, Oryantalizmde  eleştirilmiş olsa da, hâlâ geniş çapta saygı görüyor. by Jessica Brain ‘Queen of the Desert’ and the female  ‘Lawrence of Arabia’  are just some of the names attributed to the intrepid female traveller Getrude Bell. At a time when a woman’s role was still very much in the home, Bell proved what an accomplished woman could achieve. Gertrude Bell became a crucial figure in the  British Empire , a well-known traveller as well as writer, her in-depth knowledge of the Middle East proved to be her making. Such was the scope of her influence, particularly in modern-day Iraq, that she was known to be “one of the few representatives of His Majesty’s Government remembered by the Arabs with anything resembling affection”. Her knowledg