

  GLASTONBURY A STUDY IN PATTERNS Cover Design: Supporter of the Neville shield. From Butleigh Court, Somerset Boutell’s Heraldry, Frederick Warne & Co., 1891 by kind permission of THE MARQUESS OF ABERGAVENNY First Published August 1969. First Reprint December 1969. Second Reprint March 1971. © RILKO 1969 GLASTONBURY A STUDY IN PATTERNS Editor : Professor Mary Williams Assistant Editor Mrs Janette Jackson Archivist- Miss Elizabeth Leader A publication authorised by the “ RESEARCH INTO LOST KNOWLEDGE ORGANISATION ” College Court, Hammersmith, W.6 Telephone 01-748 5506 Chairman: Commander George Jules Mathys Price £1 25 plus postage and packaging 81 ozs or 241 grams lOp. THE GREAT DOG OF LANGPORT ATHELNEY CONTENTS FOREWORD 4 PRE-CHRISTIAN GLASTONBURY AS A POSSIBLE MEGALITHIC OBSERVATORY 5 A. Thom THE SOMERSET ZODIAC Myths and Legends 8 Elizabeth Leader THE GLASTONBURY REGION 13 THE GEOGRAPHICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND E, G. Bowen THE SECRET OF THE GRAIL 16 POST-CHRIS