

  BY SA‘DI OF SHIRAZ OMPHALOSKEPSIS Ames, Iowa Prologue C hapter 1 C hapter 2 C hapter 3 C hapter 4 C hapter 5 C hapter 6 C hapter 7 C hapter 8 C hapter 9 C hapter 10 ______________________ prologue in the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful In the name of Him Who created and sustains the world, the Sage Who endowed tongue with speech. He attains no honor who turns the face from the doer of His mercy. The kings of the earth prostate themselves before Him in supplication. He seizes not in haste the disobedient, nor dri­ves away the penitent with violence. The two worlds are as a drop of water in the ocean of His knowledge. He withholds not His bounty though His ser­vants sin; upon the surface of the earth has He spread a feast, in which both friend and for may share. Peerless He is, and His kingdom is eternal. Upon the head of one He placeth a crown anoth­er he hurleth from the throne to the ground. The fire of His friend He turn