

  THE ROSE GARDEN OF SA‘DI (OR THE GULISTAN) BASED ON THE ORIGINAL TRANSLATION BY JAMES ROSS OMPHALOSKEPSIS Ames, Iowa This translation is in the public domain. Typesetting and Layout Copyright © 2000 by Omphaloskepsis Commercial reproduction or distribution of this file is strictly prohibit­ed. To reproduce, post, or mirror this document, please contact ebooks@omphaloskepsis.com f or permission. For additional free electronic titles, please visit: www.omphaloskepsis.com/ebooks of the customs of kings i I   have heard of a king who made the sign to put a cap­tive to death. The poor wretch, in that state of des­peration, began to abuse the king in the dialect which he spoke, and to revile him with asperity, as has been said; whoever shall wash his hands of life will utter whatever he may harbor in his heart: “When a man is desperate he will give a latitude to his tongue, Like as a cat at bay will fly at a dog” ---- “at the moment o